home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # Version 1.1
- # Load some stuff on a usb stick to avoid losing configs and updates when exiting pentoo
- # Copyright 2005 Michael Zanetta grimmlin@pentoo.ch
- BACK_UP="\033[1K\033[0G"
- NORMAL="\033[0m"
- WARN="\033[33;1m"
- BAD="\033[31;1m"
- BOLD="\033[1m"
- GOOD="\033[32;1m"
- PENTOODIR="/mnt/usbstick/pentoo/"
- DOFP=0
- EXIT=0
- source /sbin/functions.sh
- try() {
- local errstr
- local retval=0
- if [ -c /dev/null ]; then
- errstr="$((eval $*) 2>&1 >/dev/null)"
- else
- errstr="$((eval $*) 2>&1)"
- fi
- retval=$?
- if [ "${retval}" -ne 0 ]
- then
- splash "critical" &
- echo -e "${ENDCOL}${NORMAL}[${BAD} oops ${NORMAL}]"
- echo
- eerror "The \"${1}\" command failed with error:"
- echo
- echo "${errstr#*: }"
- echo
- fi
- return ${retval}
- }
- domount() {
- mount -o loop "${PENTOODIR}"$1.img /$1
- }
- parse_opt() {
- case "$1" in
- *\=*)
- echo "$1" | cut -f2 -d=
- ;;
- esac
- }
- CMDLINE="`cat /proc/cmdline`"
- # Scan CMDLINE for any specified stick= arguments
- for x in ${CMDLINE}
- do
- case "${x}" in
- stick\=*)
- DEVDIR=`parse_opt "${x}"`
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -z "${DEVDIR}" ]; then
- DEVDIR="/dev/sda1"
- fi
- dostuff() {
- if [ -e "${PENTOODIR}".pentoorc ]; then
- # Pentoo config file exist, sourcing it and linking the files...
- SOFTWARE=`cat "${PENTOODIR}".pentoorc`
- for x in ${SOFTWARE}
- do
- case "${x}" in
- root)
- ;;
- ExploitTree)
- ;;
- nessus)
- ;;
- etc)
- ;;
- fingerprints)
- DOFP=1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ "${DOROOT}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Mounting /root from usbstick"
- try domount root
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DOETC}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Mounting /etc from usbstick"
- try domount etc
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DOTREE}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Linking Exploit Tree to usbstick"
- rm -rf /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree*
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"ExploitTree/ /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"ExploitTree.pl /opt/pentoo/ExploitTree.pl
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DOFP}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Linking FingerPrints DB to usbstick"
- rm -rf /var/lib/fingerprints
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"fingerprints/ /var/lib/fingerprints
- eend $?
- fi
- if [ "${DONESSUS}" -eq '1' ]; then
- ebegin " Linking nessus's plugins to usbstick"
- rm -rf /usr/lib/nessus/
- ln -sf "${PENTOODIR}"nessus/ /usr/lib/nessus/
- eend $?
- fi
- else
- umount /mnt/usbstick
- fi
- }
- if [ -e /mnt/cdrom/pentoo/.pentoorc ];
- then
- PENTOODIR="/mnt/cdrom/pentoo/"
- dostuff
- else
- if mount "${DEVDIR}" /mnt/usbstick/ &>/dev/null ; then
- dostuff
- fi
- fi